life keeps throwing us lemons, but we keep making lemonade!
I have always said life is too short so enjoy every minute of it! This year has thrown us some curve balls and it's so easy to let them takeover and get you down. With the state of the economy Net jets made some big changes within the company that directly affected us, they took away overtime, we had to start paying insurance which was really expensive and they stopped contributing to 401K. Those changes really made a huge impact on Todd's bring home pay. Then in April my truck decided it wanted to dig into our pockets and we had to replace the rear timing chain, ouch!!! and now I just found out that I am on the fast track to loosing my job :( I have worked for Dr. Jaume for 13 years and he is now thinking about joining an on-call group that works for the hospital. He has been talking to the Core group for a couple of months and they are down to the nitty-gritty. If they can work out figures for salary and them buying his office effective October 1, 2010 I will be unemployed. I have been praying that it all falls through and it won't come to that, but if it does............God has a plan for me. I have my family, my friends and the dear Lord and that's all I could ask for. When I heard this song It all just made sense. Please say a prayer for our family and that God will keep us on the right track, I won't question it, I will just go with it! If God brings me to it, he'll bring me through it!
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